8th Annual 24HR Draw-a-thon 2013
The 8TH ANNUAL 24 HR DRAW-A-THON will begin 6am November 30th, 2013 at the Marigny Opera House!
Press Street’s 24-hour Draw-a-thon is the only event of its kind in the city of New Orleans. It is an art experience in which people are active participants– not spectators; where the entire premise is to encourage creating for the sake of creating. It is an all-ages, free event that is open to the public with all art materials provided.
Throughout a 24 hour period- beginning 6am on a Saturday and ending at 6am Sunday- workshops for all ages are held. Participants also let loose in an open space, walls and floors covered with paper to literally draw all over.
Draw-a-thon began in 2006, where it was hosted at the Green Project, a recycled building materials warehouse. Draw-a-thon out grew the space, and in 2011 was hosted at the Old Ironworks nearby and in 2012 and again this year, we are excited to host Draw-a-thon at the Marigny Opera House.
6:30am Draw-a-thon Commences!
Angela’s Tiny Universe: Space Badges, Jet Packs, and Flags for Conquest
Turkey Dressing: How Do You Want To Dress Your Turkey? With Jeannie Detweiller
The Forgotten Door: Doorway to Another Dimension!
Aliens on A Stick: Space Creature Construction with Malcolm McClay using reference books of animals & insects & candy
Sound Scapes with Gretchen Faust
Plessy School Activity
Alien Discount Store
Intergalactic Creature Battle Draw with Otto Splotch
Plutonian Paper Puppet Making with the Puppetoni Brothers: Caesar Meadows & Kenny Harrison
Self-portraits As Aliens: Ma Poe and the Community Print Shop
Silk-screening with Ben Fox McCord! Get this years design silk-screened on your favorite shirt or skirt or apron!
Sculpture Garden Surprise
Drive & Draw with Ashley Teamer
16mm Animation shorts with George Ingmire
Silk-screening with Ben Fox McCord! Get this years design silk-screened on your favorite shirt or dress or pants!
Living Canvas with Anais & Rose
Animation Station with Courtney Egan and Kourtney Keller
Alex McMurry and Jay Holland play the Theramin
Living Canvas with Columbus Street Drawing Collective
Space Craft DMV: Rocket Ship Construction with Brad Benischek & Ry Gipson
Speed Figure Drawing with Gary Oaks
Interstellar Banquet: Becky Gipson, Laura Gipson, & Jeannie Detweiller
Dark Matter Graphite Drawing
Space Camp Cassingham: First Millennial Macro-Taxonomic Bio-Geographical Survey, a service of the Spiral Arm Wildlife and Fisheries Department
Draw the Harpist! Luke Brechtelsbauer performs
Monster Doiley Art with Caesar Meadows: Troglodytes & Hobgoblins Galore!
Voyager Sighting/Clean-up Time & Art Harvest
On-Going Activities:
The Amazing Draw-a-tron 3000 designed by Tristan Thompson
EDK’s: Emergency Drawing Kits
Undrawable Stories: stories written by Big Class students challenging folks to illustrate them
Marigny Magnetic Anamoly
Whimsy Post Brought To You by The Ministry of Supreme Happiness
3D Glasses
Fortune (in Space) Drawing
Draw Star: “For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky”
Black Friday Workshop using old ad stock from the 50’s
Draw your own record labels!