Dan Beachy-Quick at Tulane University

Poet Dan Beachy-Quick will read at Tulane University at 7p.m. on Monday, March 13, in Freeman Auditorium.

Dan Beachy-Quick teaches poetry workshops and literature courses at Colorado State University. He is the author of five books of poetry, North True South Bright (2003), Spell(2004), Mulberry (2006), This Nest, Swift Passerine (2009), and Circle’s Apprentice (2011, Winner of the Colorado Book Award in Poetry). He is also the author of a book of interlinked meditations on Herman Melville s Moby-Dick, titled A Whaler s Dictionary (2008) and a collection of essays, meditations, and fairy tales, Wonderful Investigations (2012). Two book-length collaborative projects are also available: Conversities (2012, with Srikanth Reddy) and Work from Memory (21012, with Matthew Goulish). His poems have appeared widely in such journals as The Boston Review, The New Republic, Fence, Poetry, Chicago Review, VOLT, Colorado Review, and New American Writing. His essays and reviews have appeared in The Southern Review, The Poker, The Kenyon Review, The New York Times, The Denver Quarterly, Interim, and elsewhere. He is the recipient of a Lannan Foundation Residency and has been a finalist for the Colorado Book Award, The William Carlos Williams Award, and the PEN/USA Literary Award in Poetry.