Portrait of Annielaurie Erickson

AnnieLaurie Erickson

Website:: annielauriee.com

AnnieLaurie Erickson is a New Orleans-based artist and educator whose work engages with social and environmental research topics through experimental lens-based production. She currently serves as Associate Chair, Associate Professor, and head of the photography area in the Newcomb Art Department, Tulane University. Her work has been exhibited widely, including Higher Pictures, NYC; Goethe-Institut, Washington, DC; Newspace Center for Photography, Portland, OR; Elizabeth Foundation for the Arts, NYC; Boston Center for the Arts; and CentrePasquArt, Bienne, Switzerland. Notable press includes Art in America, Huffington Post, Oxford American, Washington Post, Paper Magazine, Afterimage, Terremoto, and Foam Magazine. Erickson has been awarded residencies and grants from Yaddo, A Studio in the Woods, the New Orleans Center for the Gulf South, Peripheral Vision, and the Joan Mitchell Center, among others. She has been a part of the Antenna Collective since 2015 and currently serves as a board member for the Newcomb Art Museum, as well as Antenna. Erickson earned her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and her BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design.