Memory Project
Lódz Artists
Agnieszka Chojnacka
Adam Klimczak
Marta Madejska, organizer
Piotr Szczepanski
Justyna Wencel
New Orleans Artists
Courtney Egan
Robin Levy, organizer
Deborah Luster
Memory Project is a two-part international exhibition that explores the theme of memory and place through two post trauma cities. The biography of New Orleans resident Anne Skorecki Levy, born in Lódz, Poland, in 1935, inspired this multi-generational project first presented in Lódz and now in New Orleans.
Sense-Action, an interactive performance
Saturday, November 9, 7-11pm
Hosted by The Candle Factory
4537 N. Robertson Street (at Japonica)
We invite you to join a sensory experience, a possible meeting of somebody else’s memories and stories of your own. This New Orleans adaptation of Sense-Action is the second phase of this Memory Project piece created by Tomek Ciesielski with music composed by Kuba Palys, presented in Lódz, Poland. Based on the memories of prewar Lódz, and sensory improvisations of young local performers: Max Jay-Dixon, Nelson Gonzales, David Kaplinsky and Eli Timm, Sense-Action is a one-night-only experimental performance.
Memory Project is funded in part by:
Audrey Browne, Margot Garon, Stan and Anne Levy, Mark and Ruth Skorecki Family Memorial Fund, New American Social Club New Orleans, Jewish Endowment Foundation of Louisiana, Adam Mickiewicz Institute
Topografie Association (Stowarzyszenie Topografie), East Gallery (Galeria Wschodnia)
Project’s website: