Monday, Nov. 12: Yuri Herrera at the Black Widow Salon
Mexican novelist Yuri Herrera, who is currently a Mellon Fellow in the Center for Latin American Studies at Tulane University, will discuss his work as part of the Black Widow Salon series from 7 – 9 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 12, at Crescent City Books (230 Chartres St.).
Herrera is widely considered one of the best young writers working in Spanish. His novel Trabajos del reino won the Premio Binacional de Novela Joven and received the Otras voces, otros ámbitos prize for the best novel published in Spain in 2008. His second novel, Señales que precederán al fin del mundo was a finalist for the Rómulo Gallegos Prize. His books have been translated into several languages, although not English. A native of Mexico and longtime resident of Mexico City, Herrera’s fiction often explores contemporary issues facing his country, including rampant drug violence and the narcocultura that has emerged with it.
Room 220 had the pleasure of hosting Herrera last spring for a reading with Matt Sumell and Anne Gisleson as part of the Room 220 LIVE PROSE reading series. Images from that event are here.
The Black Widow Salon is an ongoing series of literary events that take place at Crescent City Books, curated by Michael Zell.