Pieces and Parts :: Amelia Broussard
On View :: Sat. Mar. 9th, 2024 - Sun. Apr. 28th, 2024
Website:: ameliareneebroussard.com
“Pieces and Parts” is a solo exhibition from Amelia Broussard that delves into the challenges of preserving memories as they fade over time. Objects, particularly paper, act as anchors to the past. The mixed media collages hint at the anxiety of memory preservation and the complex process of merging personal and generational histories. The works blend myth and reality—sometimes adopting a playful and dream-like approach.
The title not only refers to the physical parts of magazines, journal entries, postcards, or report cards but also takes a therapeutic approach, delving into each part of the family and each part of the individual. Each part possesses wisdom and contributes to communication within the system, working together to convey different messages leading to the understanding of the necessity of letting go to create something new.
Amelia Broussard, a Louisiana native, creates mixed media collages inspired by her childhood explorations of the bayous. Through her use of recycled papers, she captures the essence of her memories, exploring their unreliability while also finding joy and appreciation in the beauty of ordinary, everyday things.
Artist talk and crawfish boil March 10th starting at noon!
