
Spirit Desire: Resistance, Imagination and Sacred Memories in Haitian Vodoun ( Sokari Ekine, 2018)

Sokari Ekine’s Spirit Desire, Resistance, Imagination and Sacred Memories in Haitian Voudoun is not meant to be just another coffee table specimen. The series of photographs “made”  beginning in 2013, in Haiti, by the Nigerian British, self-described black queer feminist photographer, Sokari Ekine usher in the photographer’s recently published book. As codified by Ekine, the sixty-six photographs Spirit Desire: Resistance, Imagination and Sacred Memories in Haitian Vodoun ( Sokari Ekine, 2018)

SIGHT: Ayiti Chérie

Kouzen Azakamede, also known as Azaka, Zaka Mede, Zake, is the Haitian Vodoun loa/lwa of agriculture, farming, crops, harvest, healing, seeding, growing, and thoughtful cultivating of land. He is petitioned for good plentiful harvest, abundance in sharing a good harvest, productive farm work, healing of lands and people/communities through herbal and land honoring and necessary SIGHT: Ayiti Chérie