historic new orleans collection

The Historic New Orleans Collection presents “Alternative Imprints: Jon Webb, Gypsy Lou, and the Hand-Sewn World of the Loujon Press”

The Historic New Orleans collection recently unveiled a new exhibition, “Alternative Imprints: Jon Webb, Gypsy Lou, and the Hand-Sewn World of the Loujon Press,” dedicated to the life and work of the progenitors of the esteemed 1960s New Orleans publishing project. The exhibition, which consists largely of materials donated to the HNOC by the Webbs’ The Historic New Orleans Collection presents “Alternative Imprints: Jon Webb, Gypsy Lou, and the Hand-Sewn World of the Loujon Press”

K-Doe Photos from the K-Doe Bio

Here at Room 220, we’re still stuck in a state of awe over Ben Sandmel’s fantastic biography of Ernie K-Doe, published recently by the Historic New Orleans Collection. We’ve recently posted a whole slew of archival photos of the book along with Wesley Stokes’ review of it. Is that Quintron in the pool, and Miss K-Doe Photos from the K-Doe Bio