kristin sanders

New Orleans writers round up: Lara Naughton, Jesmyn Ward, Justin Nobel, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, Kristin Sanders, and Yuri Herrera

Countless writers in New Orleans are ever plucking away at their keyboards, conducting research or interviews, or simply probing their memories and inner lives to create worthwhile work. Much of this is published online, scattered disparately throughout cyberspace. Here are a few things we at Room 220 read recently that compelled us to gather them together and share. New Orleans writers round up: Lara Naughton, Jesmyn Ward, Justin Nobel, Maurice Carlos Ruffin, Kristin Sanders, and Yuri Herrera

What’s So Tremendous About Comfort?: A Review of Laura Mullen’s Complicated Grief

Laura Mullen will read as part of the New Orleans Poetry Festival at 7 pm on Saturday, April 16th, at Mag’s (940 Elysian Fields).  Pierre Joris, Nicole Peyraffite, Niyi Osundare, and Adeena Karasick will also read. Complicated Grief  Laura Mullen Solid Objects, 2015 Laura Mullen’s writing, especially her emphasis on genre hybridity, urges readers to face emotional What’s So Tremendous About Comfort?: A Review of Laura Mullen’s Complicated Grief

The Book Series as Tapas Restaurant: Christopher Schaberg on OBJECT LESSONS

Loyola University New Orleans professor Christopher Schaberg and Georgia Tech professor Ian Bogost are co-editors of Object Lessons, an online essay series published by the Atlantic and print book series published by Bloomsbury. Christopher Schaberg answered Room 220’s questions about the series and a few of its most recent publications. Schaberg will join fellow Loyola colleague The Book Series as Tapas Restaurant: Christopher Schaberg on OBJECT LESSONS

I began thinking about the hazards of Western people coming to the Middle East to “free” the women: An Interview with Jennifer Steil

Jennifer Steil moved to Yemen in 2006 to be editor-in-chief of the Yemen Observer and later married the British Ambassador to Yemen. Her first book, The Woman Who Fell From The Sky, is a memoir of her time in Yemen. In her new novel, The Ambassador’s Wife, Steil’s protagonist, Miranda, is an artist who moves I began thinking about the hazards of Western people coming to the Middle East to “free” the women: An Interview with Jennifer Steil

If only we didn’t try to be bigger than our hearts with our hearts: An interview with Jenn Marie Nunes

Jenn Marie Nunes will publish her first full-length book, AND/OR, this spring with Switchback Books after winning the feminist press’ inaugural Queer Voices contest, judged by Dawn Lundy Martin. Jenn and I both graduated from LSU’s Creative Writing MFA program in 2009. We were each other’s first friends as we tried to navigate the weirdness If only we didn’t try to be bigger than our hearts with our hearts: An interview with Jenn Marie Nunes