The Shift

“Being treated like you’re normal is like living in a storm and being graded on the amount of sunshine you produce.”

That’s what Lil Jay says in Té V. Smith’s new Young Adult Novel, Exit Ticket. Té’s a writer and an educator. Exit Ticket is about the relationship between a black student named Lil’ Jay and his white teacher, Mr. Warrington. And in this moment in time? It kinda feels like the two of them have a lot teach all of us. About showing up. And about listening.

2020 is asking us questions. How will we answer? How will we each show up to this conversation?

But there’s something this 2020
Té calls it The Shift.


Té V. Smith can be found on Instagram and Twitter @tevsmith.

The song “Living In” was recorded by The Asylum Chorus on their 2017 ep “Take a Piece” Written & arranged by Sybil Shanell & Roan Smith:
Instagram @iamsybilshanell & @theasylumchorus

“Single Coil” was recorded by Will Bolton for the 2017 album Night Paths:

Black Lives Matter protest sounds:
Portland: Tim Kahn
Toronto: Geldart
Zurich: Astounded, Christopher J Astbury, Switzerland

Editorial support provided by Shea Shackleford, Katie Fernelius and Bob Snead. Cover art by Amanda Cassingham-Bardwell. This piece was produced by Marie Lovejoy for the Antenna::Signals Podcast.

This podcast is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts, The Louisiana Division of the Arts, Arts Council New Orleans, The RosaMary Foundation, Morris Adjmi Architects and most importantly by individuals like you. You can subscribe to support this and all other Antenna programming, which includes publications delivered right to your doorstep.

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