The soul silently fidgets

The soul silently fidgets

new sculpture by Christopher Deris

Deris’ three-dimensional constructions often involve simple mechanical movements; fantastical creations that act as surrogates or metaphors for humanity. Each piece is an experiment in capturing, visually, a genuine feeling within the confines of a crafted environment.

Born in New Orleans and raised in Slidell, Louisiana, Deris attended Atlanta College of Art in 1994 to begin his formal education in the visual arts. He graduated in 1998 with a Bachelor of Fine Art with a concentration in Printmaking. In 2003 he received a Masters of Fine Art in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design. He taught drawing at RISD and after graduation joined the college as a Technician in the Painting Department. Currently he resides in New Orleans and is the Foundation Coordinator for the Department of Art and Design at Loyola University New Orleans. Deris has exhibited his work in solo and group shows in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Chicago, Atlanta, Mobile, Pensacola and New Orleans.