True Colors Preview Party & Art Raffle

We would like to welcome our host committee members on Friday, August 8th from 6-9pm at the Press Street Antenna Gallery (3718 St. Claude Ave.) for a private preview of the True Colors Exhibition. This is a unique opportunity to meet the artists behind the show.

Want an invitation to this excessive party? Become a host committee member!

We are growing beyond our expectations (and budget) and need your support! Please become a True Colors Host Committee member: your contribution will support artist stipends, the purchase of exhibition and install supplies, shipping costs, publication production, and everything in between. In return, not only will you get the satisfaction of helping this amazing exhibition happen, your contribution will be recognized in both the exhibition publication and as part of the exhibition wall text in the gallery.  Oh, and because Press Street is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, your donation of any amount is fully tax deductible.
PLEASE BECOME A HOST COMMITTEE MEMBER TODAY and support the LGBTQ and allied arts community!

For more information please visit    

This event would not be possible without the support of the John Burton Harter Charitable Trust ( Thank you again for your support.