Baskerville Birthday Bash

Baskerville Studio will hold its annual toast to John Baskerville – printing legend, typeface founder, and radical dude – on the 311th anniversary of his birth and the fourth anniversary of the Studio, our collective letterpress and book arts space in New Orleans. The event will take place at 7 p.m. on Saturday, January 28, at Baskerville Studio (3000 Royal Street).

While the studio opens at 7 p.m., the party and music start at 8 p.m. The event will feature snacks, beer, wine, and Baskerville’s signature Earl Greyhound cocktail. Guests can print and fold their own Diminutive Guide to an Alternative Mardi Gras, Volume 4.

Attendees will be able to contribute to the shrine to Baskerville’s patron saint type designer. Printed items will be available for purchase from Typothetae (a local group of letterpress printed). Lloyd Daly and his funky groove band will play from inside an elevator shaft.