Call for written works: Stand Up!


Antenna is seeking submissions of short fiction, non-fiction, poetry or prose for inclusion in Antenna::Signals 010, a print publication to accompany Antenna’s thematic “live arts magazine” event. Submissions should relate to the Antenna::Signals 010 theme of STAND UP! exploring humor, comedy, protest, advocacy, or the power of belief.

Each written piece can be up to 1500 words; we will accept up to 10 writings for inclusion. Each accepted submission will receive an honorarium of $50, for publication in a 200 book edition and online at
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Wednesday, September 5th. 

Conceived as a “live arts magazine,” Antenna::Signals is a new sort of variety show by the artists and writers of Antenna. Each “issue” of Antenna::Signals will feature a spread of 6-8 local artists, writers, musicians, scientists and scholars whose practices relate thematically. The live event will be accompanied by the release of a two-dimensional print version, with each magazine dropping during the live event.
Issue::010 will drop on Tuesday, September 12 6-8pm