ROOM 220 presents: THE BOOK LAUNCH for Carolyn Hembree’s SKINNY
Room 220 is pleased to present the book launch for Carolyn Hembree’s Skinny, a collection of her poetry published by Kore Press. The event will take place at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 13, at Lipstick & Lingerie Boutique in Arabi (7011 St. Claude Ave., just past Jackson Barracks; entrance on Friscoville Avenue). Copies of the book will be on sale and complimentary libations will be available. Donations are accepted.
Carolyn Hembree is a poet and beloved teacher of English and creative writing at the University of New Orleans. Her work has appeared in a variety of respected publications, including DIAGRAM, Colorado Review, Gulf Coast, Indiana Review, jubilat, and Witness. Skinny, her first book, is the result of nearly a decade of work. It follows its protagonist from the Deep South to New York City, where she encounters a variety of horrors that Hembree vividly depicts in myriad poetic forms: ekphrastic works, prose poems, dramatic monologues, odes, elegies, a pastoral, and a word problem, among other free verse experiments. The publication of such an ambitious work is as much a testament to the resiliency of independent press as it is a welcome introduction to Hembree’s startling, shining voice.
Read an essay on Hembree by Taylor Murrow at Room 220.
Read an interview with Hembree by Room 220 contributor Erik Vande Stouwe at NolaVie.