Rubber Flower Poetry Hour

Rubber Library and Flower Bodega hosts the Rubber Flower Poetry Hour at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11, at 3240 Dauphine Street.

The Rubber Flower Poetry Hour is a new Open Mic series in New Orleans, LA, every second Wednesday of every month.

We offer space for fresh and pickled writers alike to spill their guts. Aside from hate speech, there is no limit to what you perform and how you perform it. We strive to maintain a supportive, open, and safe space for poets to express themselves. Note that even though this is a Poetry Hour, we allow all forms of storytelling. We want you to be heard.

The Format: 30 – 45 minutes for featured readers (1-3 poets); 60 – 90 minutes of open mic time, about 6 minutes per reader. We try to cap it off about 15 readers per night.

Doors open at 7:30, show starts around 8:00.

April’s featured readers are Dylan Krieger ( and Benjamin Aleshire (