SGCI Conference Reception
SGCI Conference Reception: March 16th from 6:30pm to 10:00pm at Antenna.
Empanada Intifada will be there selling empanadas!
OBJECT PLAY – On view March 10-April 8, 2012
Curated by SIFT Co-founders Angela Driscoll and Yuka Petz.
Object Play explores the relationships between text, image, and object. Artists Katie Murken, Christopher Michlig, and collaborators Tricia Treacy and Ashley John Pigford, manipulate objects through the process of making.
In Continua, Katie Murken uses chance and probability to determine pigment dye colors of phone book columns. The accompanying broadsides describe the system behind this game of chance.
In his series of works entitled The Long Range, Christopher Michlig tranforms text into objects of positive and negative space.
Vista Sans Wood Type Project is a collaborative experimental project and print exchange coordinated by Tricia Treacy and Ashley John Pigford. The project combines technologies by using a CNC router to create wood type for letterpress printing.
Artist Bios:
KATIE MURKEN seeks out alternative contexts through which her work can engage with a broad community of viewers and participants. Trained as a printmaker and book artist, Murken coordinates site-specific installations that position her hand-made objects, books and drawings in relationship to diverse environments and audiences. She currently lives and works in Philadelphia, PA.
CHRISTOPHER MICHLIG received an MFA from Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, California in 2007. The Focus of Michlig’s practice is the manipulation of public formats of communication and language to explore communicative range, enhancing and privileging materiality and formal structures to expand notions of communication and legibility. He currently lives and works in Los Angeles.
TRICIA TREACY has been running her own letterpress design studio, Pointed Press Studio, creating custom book and print work for commercial clients, international artists, designers, and writers since 2000. She is a book artist, designer, printmaker, and integrates new forms of media to execute her ideas. Collaboration and experimentation are a large part of her creative studio practice. Tricia is also a Lecturer in Fine Arts at The University of Pennsylvania School of Design where she teaches letterpress, graphic design and book arts.
ASHLEY JOHN PIGFORD is an artist, designer, musician and educator working at the intersection of design process and art practice. His work manifests as electronic sculpture, interactive installation, performance, video, and letterpress printing. He received his MFA in Graphic Design from the Rhode Island School of Design after a successful career as a proprietor of graphic design in Los Angeles, CA. He is Assistant Professor of Visual Communications in the Department of Art at the University of Delaware.
For a complete list of the participating artists in the Vista Sans Wood Type Project, visit Gallery Hours: Saturdays and Sundays, from noon to 5:00pm. For more information contact