Natalie McLaurin

Antenna Part 3

On view: Jan 13- Feb 4, 2018 Opening Reception: Saturday Jan 13, 6-10pm Daily hours: Tuesday through Sunday 12-5 Exhibition Description: During the run of Prospect Antenna with have shows highlighting Collective Members and other artists from the New Orleans art community. January features Amanda Cassingham-Bardwell, Jer’Lisa Devezin, Laura Gipson, and Natalie McLaurin. Amanda Cassingham-Bardwell, Antenna Part 3


On view: April 9- May 8, 2016 Opening Reception: Saturday April 9, 6-9pm Daily hours: Tuesday- Friday 11-4 by appt, Saturday and Sunday 12-5 Admission cost: none Exhibition Description: There is a childhood longing and an intimacy that occurs when encountering work on the miniature scale. The exhibition features local, national and international artists who I AM AN IMPORTANT GIANT

2012 Cupcake Throwdown & Artist Cake Walk!

Please join us at Press Street’s Second Annual CUPCAKE THROWDOWN & ARTIST CAKE WALK!

We will have tasty treats made by home bakers and professional pastry chefs that you can purchase or win by competing in a $2 a ticket cake walk.  We will also have free cupcakes for kids in costumes (while they last), and a raffle for a Press Street tote bag filled with prizes.  Admission is FREE.  For more information contact