Antenna Part 3


On view: Jan 13- Feb 4, 2018
Opening Reception: Saturday Jan 13, 6-10pm
Daily hours: Tuesday through Sunday 12-5

Exhibition Description:
During the run of Prospect Antenna with have shows highlighting Collective Members and other artists from the New Orleans art community.
January features Amanda Cassingham-Bardwell, Jer’Lisa Devezin, Laura Gipson, and Natalie McLaurin. Amanda Cassingham-Bardwell, from Algiers, Louisiana, received her BFA in 2009 from Tufts University and the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Soon after she returned to New Orleans and founded the 723 Louisa Street Artist-in-Residence Program, in which artists capered about her living room, kitchen, and far corners of the city creating collaborative and often edible or mailable art. Jer’Lisa Devezin is a mixed media artist based in New Orleans. She received her B.A. from Dillard University in 2011. In 2013-2014, Jer’Lisa was an Artist in Residence at the Joan Mitchell Center in New Orleans. Laura Gipson, a native of Maryland, has lived in New Orleans since 1980. She holds an MFA from the University of New Orleans. Her works are included in the collections of the Virlane Foundation, the City of New Orleans, Tulane Medical Center and private collections. Natalie McLaurin grew up in Knoxville, TN. She has a Bachelors in Industrial Design from Pratt Institute and an MFA from University of New Orleans. Hired for a 2 month stint as an art preparator for Prospect 1 in 2008, McLaurin fell victim to the charm of New Orleans. She moved permanently to the city in Fall 2009 and soon after joined Antenna.