Rm220 presents: Nik De Dominic and Michael Jeffrey Lee

RM220 will host Nik De Dominic and Michael Jeffrey Lee at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, February 6, at Saturn Bar (3067 St. Claude).

Nik De Dominic is the author of Your Daily Horoscope. His work has appeared in DIAGRAMHarpur PalateExquisite CorpseThe Los Angeles ReviewDrunken BoatSonora Review, and elsewhere. He is a graduate of the University of Southern California and the University of Alabama. He is a founding editor of The Offending Adam: A Journal of Poetics and a poetry editor of New Orleans Review. De Dominic lives in Los Angeles, CA, and teaches in The Writing Program at the University of Southern California.

Michael Jeffrey Lee received an MFA in fiction from the University of Alabama. His book of short stories, Something in My Eye, received the Mary McCarthy Prize and was published by Sarabande. Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in N+1, BOMB, and The Southern Review, among others. His album with Budokan Boys, That’s How You Become a Clown, will see release this summer via Tymbal Tapes. He teaches at New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts.