Curatorial Category: Open Call :: Antenna Press

Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press is proud to release Leviathans: Queer Mischief in an Amphibious Ecology a book by Devon Pardue @dparduefilm winner of the Antenna Press Award. 5” x 2.75”, 100 pages, $11 Available for purchase in our online bookstore Leviathans is an artist book and flipbook hybrid investigating queer becoming in the ecology of the Gulf South. Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press is proud to release Super Max a book by Page Comeaux @po_meaux winner of the Antenna Press Open Call Award. 5″ x 7″, 56 pages, $22 Available for purchase in our online bookstore In essays and archival photographs, Super Max unravels the interwoven legacies of two career-defining projects by New Orleans-based architects Curtis Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press book release

Antenna Press is proud to release The Fifolay a graphic novel by Ana Vincent @anagrammies winner of the Antenna Press Open Call Award. 8” x 10”, 78 pages, $17 Available for purchase in our online bookstore The Fifolay is a dystopian tale of environmental magical realism in the fictional gulf-coast city Slingo. Strange Things Happen Antenna Press book release


Proviso, a collaborative chapbook between poet Steve Bellin-Oka, and visual artist Kristen Tomecek confronts the inordinate hurdles binational LGBTQIA couples encounter when trying to obtain green cards for the immigrant partner. Steve Bellin-Oka’s poems are built around actual immigration interview questions, and Kristen Tomecek’s abstract paintings respond to the poems. Interrogating traditional symbols of freedom Proviso


On view: Sept 8 – Oct 28, 2018 Opening Reception: Sept 8, 6-10pm Closing Reception: Oct 13, 6-10pm Daily hours: Tuesday through Sunday 12-5 Dogface is a surreal comic by Ursa Eyer that explores the strange happenings inside the dystopian landscape of Anteater City. The story follows a mysterious young girl as she grapples with Dogface