Your Place, Your Story: Art and writing workshop Nov. 9 – 11

Writer Molly May and artist Jen Bloomer will be in New Orleans to host an art and writing workshop Nov. 9 – 11 at 3223 Toulouse St. The hours of the workshop are: Friday 6 -8 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. The workshop costs $195 – $250 on a sliding scale.

May and Bloomer have both traveled extensively and lived in a variety of places, spending much of their time reflecting on the idea of “place” and exploring the concept through their work. This workshop intends to teach New Orleans residents, through a variety of activities, how to translate the way in which they feel about “place” into art.

For more information, contact the artists: or (303) 726-0955