Delia Tomino Nakayama offers free adult poetry workshop

Poet Delia Tomino Nakayama will host a free poetry workshop for adults from 3 – 5 p.m. the second Friday of each month from Nov. – March at the Martin Luther King Library (1611 Caffin Ave.). The first meeting is Nov. 9. The workshop is sponsored by Poets and Writers Inc.

In a 2011 interview, Nakayama said:

I think about how it was when I was starting out as a poet and writer, and how I doubted myself. I also remember getting bad and discouraging critiques. That process of development as a writer informs how I teach. I try to be as sensitive as possible to each student and give people a lot of space to move in, so they don’t feel monitored or limited. I also do a lot of encouraging and praising. I don’t say something is great if it isn’t great (to me) or butter people up gratuitously, but I always aim to be positive and supportive. Praise and encouragement works.

All levels are welcome. For a syllabus and more information, email Nakayama at