crowdsourced animation from the 2011 Draw-a-thon from C.Egan on Vimeo.
November 12-13 at the Old Iron Works – Located at 612 Piety Street (New Location!!!)
This year it is important that you back our Draw-a-thon kickstarter Campaign! Draw-a-thon is an expensive enterprise and it won’t be possible this year without generous support from folks like you! Everything for the event is provided for free to the public and with a new location we have new walls to build, temporary lighting to install, and heaters to run – not to mention all of the supplies: pencils, pens, paint, paper, scissors, glue, and drawing pads that are all provided for free to the community. With these tight times we’ve seen our typical sources of funding sliced in half this year! Rather than scaling back and simply making due, we’re asking for your support of any amount so that we can present to you an even bigger and better event in our new home at the Old Ironworks. So please pledge today! Donate a dollar. Donate fifty dollars. Anything helps! Click here to visit our kickstarter.
2011 Draw-A-Thon Schedule
New Events added everyday leading up until the main event!
For more information contact info@press-street.com.
The drawing room
!For the young at heart!
Kid centered activities in a room with walls covered with drawing paper!
Optical illusion drawing
Creature battle draw with Luke Q
Cereal box workshop
Paper bag costuming with Natalie Mclauren
Exquisite corpse books with Yuka Petz
Laura Richen’s Corner: Macro/micro drawings, Gridiron Drawings and Botanica drawings
Print making with Times-picayune illustrator Kenny Harrison
Animation Station with Courtney Eagan & Kourtney Keller
Ron Bechet’s Metal “have at it”
Draw the band: Alex Mcmurray, Doug Garrison & more!
Croquette drawing with string (and maybe unicorns or flamingos) with Susan Gisleson
James Goedert’s drawing carosel
Itty bitty grafitti city Ry Gipson & Becky Omally
I’m a gonna draw something game show with Brad Benischek
Drill Sergeant Gary Oaks speed gesture drawing exercise
Black Forest Fancies Laboratory Shadow Puppet construction featuring Nina Nichols
Camp cassingham
Doodle suggestions from the isthmus of bohemia with casear meadows
5:30 am
Drawing inventory & Un fun super serious zombie clean up and maybe crying but definitely teeth gnashing chain gang hour
On-going activities:
Amanda cassinghams pencil sharpener chandelier
Museum of fictional art curated by Kayla Risko
Tristan Thompson’s wondersphere
Whimsy post with Laura “Whimsy now” Gipson
The amazing draw-a-tron 3000 constructed by Bob Snead
Jam comix shepherded by Caesar Meadows
Emergency Drawing kits (EDK) by Angela Driscoll
Slide librarian: Jeannie Detweiller
Cardboard clothing line gallery
James Goedert’s scale drawing giant pencils! Small tables!
Mystery mosaic
Image library
Texture center