blood jet poetry series

Blood Jet Poetry presents John Pluecker and Monica Mankin

The Blood Jet Poetry Series will host John Pluecker and Monica Mankin on Wednesday, November 30, at 8 p.m. at B.J.’s (4301 Burgundy). John Pluecker is a writer, interpreter, translator and co-founder of the language justice and literary experimentation collaborative Antena. His work is informed by experimental poetics, radical aesthetics and cross-border cultural production. His texts have appeared Blood Jet Poetry presents John Pluecker and Monica Mankin

Blood Jet presents Fiction Night with Kristina Kay Robinson and Bill Loehfelm

The Blood Jet Poetry Series will host Kristina Kay Robinson and Bill Loehfelm for fiction night on Wednesday, October 12, at 7 p.m. at B.J.’s (4301 Burgundy). Tom Andes will host. Kristina Kay Robinson is a writer and visual artist born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana. Her written and visual work centers the intellectual geographies and Blood Jet presents Fiction Night with Kristina Kay Robinson and Bill Loehfelm

Blood Jet presents Christopher Romaguera, Nick Fox, and Glenn Shaheen

The Blood Jet Poetry Series will host Christopher Romaguera, Nick Fox, and Glen Shaheen on Wednesday, October 19, at 7 p.m. at B.J.’s (4301 Burgundy). Christopher Louis Romaguera is a Cuban-American writer who was born in Miami, Florida. Chris attended Florida International University, receiving a Bachelor’s degree in English and Philosophy in 2010. After graduating, he moved to Blood Jet presents Christopher Romaguera, Nick Fox, and Glenn Shaheen

Blood Jet Poetry Series presents Tracey McTague, Brett Evans, and others

The Blood Jet Poetry Series will host Tracey McTague, Brett Evans, and others on Wednesday, October 26, at 7 p.m. at B.J.’s (4301 Burgundy). Tracey McTague lives up on Battle Hill in Brooklyn, down the street from where she was born and across the room from where her daughter was born. She is the ornithologist consigliere for Lungfull! Magazine by Blood Jet Poetry Series presents Tracey McTague, Brett Evans, and others